Poor body image, or negative body image, can look different for every person. At a baseline, it is having a difficult time accepting or being kind to your body. Negative body image impacts us in so many ways. Therefore, it is worth addressing.
How to Eat According to A Woman's Menstrual Cycle
The education most women receive in school regarding the menstrual cycle includes limited information about how nutrition can aid in symptom management. We will look at the different phases in a woman’s cycle, what is happening during each phase, and how nutrition can make a difference in how you feel!
Great snacks for littles ages 12-18months on the go
There are so many options for snacks out there. There are different foods for different ages. Please note that this list is not an all encompassing list, but gives you some more ideas and let’s you know from a dietitian’s perspective, what it is about these snacks that I really like for the health of my little one.
Dietitian's Most Favorite Kitchen Tools + Favorite Things for Littles to Eat With!
Here are a few of my favorite things for myself (things for my little one will be at the end). I included the links to Amazon for easy find! These items can be something you gift yourself, ask for on the wish list, or gift for a friend or loved one this holiday season. Look for those Black Friday deals!