Columbia, MO | Rochester, MN

Our Approach To Weight Loss


At Bamboo Nutrition, we take a unique approach to weight loss than most places. We understand that weight loss may be your primary concern and main reason for reaching out to us. If it is important to you, it is important to us. However, how we go about counseling our clients on weight loss is a more holistic approach.

What we will not do…

  • Provide non-evidenced-based recommendations

  • Provide “quick fix” meal plans

  • Provide restrictive meal plans or low-calorie diets

  • Recommend diet supplements, shakes, or programs

  • Recommend fasting, keto, weight-watchers, or any other fad-diet program

what we will do…

  • Take a therapeutic approach to understand your food rules, beliefs, and how these were developed

  • Take the time to understand what type of relationship YOU want with food

  • Learn about your daily struggles, thoughts and challenges with food and body image

  • Work with your current treatment team to provide you with the best whole-body care

  • Provide you with education around nutrition, metabolic biomarkers for health, and skills for meal planning, grocery shopping, and identifying diet culture

  • Care about you, your goals, and your relationship with food and your body

Our philosophies

Our dietitians take more time than most with our clients. We would consider ourselves non-weight biased healthcare workers who recognize health is not based on a number, but many other factors that contribute to your mental well-being and long-term physical health.

If you are looking to move beyond food rules, diets, hurtful messages around weight and fat-phobic healthcare providers who are just going to tell you “its because of your weight,” then we are the right fit for you. If you so far align with everything you’ve read up until this point, check out our Diet-Culture Dropout page to learn more.

If you are not ready to give up dieting, weighing yourself, measuring food, or tracking calories or points, then we are not the right fit for you.

It’s okay to not know what you want

If you’re finding yourself intrigued by our approach, but still not sure if this is the direction you want to take, I would encourage you to give us a call and speak with our office manager to learn more about us and so we can learn more about you!

Commonly Asked Questions

  • A weight inclusive provider places and emphasis on viewing health and well-being as multifaceted while directing efforts toward improving health access and reducing weight-stigma.

    Our providers do not place the emphasis on weight and weight loss when defining health and well-being.

  • As much as we respect your physician's recommendations, we also understand that your physician does not have the time to consider all the other aspects of your health and counsel you on behavior changes. The quickest answer doctors give to your health issues is "lose weight." However, most of the time the focus and emphasis on weight loss leads to extreme methods that cause worse health consequences, or long-term disordered eating behavior patterns and thoughts.

    Our dietitians DO have the time to spend with you and learn about all that encompasses your health to help you implement changes that will lead to the same positive health results that your doctor wants to see. The only difference is, we don't place our emphasis on your weight.

  • You are always welcome to meet with one of our dietitians, no matter where you are on your journey!

    We ask that you read the above information about our approach so that it doesn't feel completely unaligned with your goals when you do meet with us.

    After about 3-4 sessions with one of our dietitians, you have a pretty good idea whether or not our style aligns with your goals.

    If you decide we are not a good fit for you at this time, please don't hesitate to reach back out to us in the future if something changes, or to try a different provider on our team!

Body Positive Books Bamboo Nutrition